How to use hotfix rhinestones?

How to use hotfix rhinestones

How to use hotfix rhinestones

Hotfix rhinestones are a popular choice for adding bling to fabrics, clothing, accessories, and more. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use hotfix rhinestones:

  1. Prepare your materials:
    • Hotfix rhinestones
    • Heat source (such as a hotfix applicator tool or a household iron)
    • Piece of fabric or item you want to attach the rhinestones to
    • Tweezers or rhinestone picker tool
    • Paper for protecting your work surface
  2. Arrange your rhinestones on the fabric/item in the desired pattern.
  3. Once you're happy with the placement, use tweezers or a rhinestone picker tool to pick up each rhinestone individually.
  4. Hold the rhinestone in place on the fabric and apply heat using a hotfix applicator tool or household iron. Follow the instructions provided with your hotfix rhinestones for the correct temperature and duration of heat application.
  5. Repeat this process for each rhinestone in your design.
  6. Allow the fabric/item to cool completely before handling.
  7. Your hotfix rhinestones should now be securely attached to your fabric or item and ready to sparkle!